Thursday, May 3, 2012

Self Doubt

Self Doubt...

This is something that everyone struggles with at different times and usually about similar topics. At this point in time I just feel stupid. There is not a simpler way to say it. Sure there are bigger words that I could use: unintelligent, dense, meaningless, moronic, simple, dumb... the list could just continue to go. Especially since I am smart enough to use the thesaurus. :)

That is how I feel today. I made it through high school just fine. I graduated after four years of college... But I am still left feeling like I am just a not so special crayon in the box. 

Perhaps this is because my husband is smarter than me... He is there is no question about it, and I have trouble admitting that. Sometimes it just isn't fun when you know it is true. It's not like we are competing --- we are going through life as a team. But I am the one slowing us down. I am the Gangrene... 

That all sounds very dramatic. I do like a little drama every now and again. But I just have this overwhelming feeling that I am stupid. Most days I do not feel this way and I know that I am educated and I can problem solve. But how do you work through feeling stupid.

I feel like I need to go and learn something. Read a book about something wonderful--I have been trying to read a scholarly book about the Holocaust, but sometimes that makes me feel stupid also... But in order to learn you have to sit back and feel overwhelmed. I could get a hobby. The problem with finding a hobby is that you have to try things, and what if I spend time trying different things and still do not find a hobby. 

I have had the idea to go back to school. But I don't actually like going to school and I have no idea what I would go for. Also right now is not really the time for that. I have a job and well I like it. The schooling that I would want would greatly conflict with my present job. Did I mention I like my current job? 

I just want to better my self. I don't want to have self doubt. I realize not ever having self doubt is unrealistic, but a girl can dream. 

Things I do not doubt: my family loves me for who I am, my husband loves me, I am good at my job, I try hard to please others, I am happy when others are happy, I have some OCD tendencies, my height is most defiantly fun-size, I have a laugh that can make others smile, and I try hard to put others feeling before my own.

Until next time... 

1 comment:

  1. So, this won't be as detailed as it was the other day when I typed a whole response on my phone then it deleted BUT...

    I think you are one of the smartest people I know, just because you don't see eye to eye with someone doesn't make you stupid!!

    You are one of the kindest people EVER who cares more for others than herself (I know!!), you have a deep respect and love for your man, you love your family- you light up when you talk about them, You rock at your job, you are always dressed super cute and put together, you keep your house super super clean at all times, you take the time to get the PERFECT card for your friends for the appropriate holiday or just because, you check in on people to see how they are doing...

    needless to say, I wish I could be you... for real!

    You are an amazing person :)
    Just wanted you to know!
